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Project Chemo Crochet


Imagine entering a large medical lab scared and anxious for your first (or 5th, or even last) chemo treatment.  You look around and see many people laying back in vinyl recliners surrounded by nurses, TVs, and IV poles.  Although it is 70 degrees outside, you are shivering with anticipation of the next 6 hours to come.  Your body being pumped with poison to kill not only the cancer cells that have taken up residence in your body, but also the good cells that are your only hope of feeling engertic and healthy.  You know that in about 2 days, you will be so weak that even reaching for the remote control will seem like climbing Mount Everest.  It doesn't matter how many people are in the room with you or that your daughter is sitting by your side for the entire duration.  You feel cold and lonely.

That is where PROJECT CHEMO CROCHET comes in.  PROJECT CHEMO CROCHET is a new initiative, started by the Pink Warriors, to crochet blankets to comfort chemo patients during treatment.  These homemade blankets are designed to make the patient feel safe and warm knowing that they are surrounded by the love of support of so many near and far.  WE NEED YOUR HELP!

Can you Crochet? Or...can you figure out how to crochet? Can you make a square out of yarn? It doesn't matter the color. It doesn't matter if you missed a stitch. It matters that you CARE.  Anyone can do this, yes even you, men! Our idea is to collect 9in by 9in squares and stitch them together to make blankets.  These blankets will be sent to cancer patients WORLDWIDE!

So, this is for everyone, everywhere, USA, Germany, Dubai, Canada, Mexico, Israel, France, and anywhere else in the world who wants to help someone while they are undergoing treatment for cancer. Just remember, these blankets will be a reminder to the person fighting cancer that they are NOT ALONE IN THEIR FIGHT!

Each square should be 9 inches by 9 inches.  It does not matter the yarn, color, or stitch size.  Crochet as many squares as you possibly can.  Get your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, church members, etc. to all participate in this true act of love and support.  As you collect your squares, ship them to:

Project Chemo Crochet
PO Box 386
Fort Washington, PA  19034


Your squares will be stitched together by volunteers to create blankets fit to cover and comfort all patients laying in those recliners. Each afghan will measure approximately four by six square in size.  If you or your group would like to crochet your own afghan, please feel free to do so!  This would be an amazing contribution.

So pick up your needle and yarn and get crocheting! 

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