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The Story Behind the Square - Beth & Nancy

Written by Nik

"I often sit and rub each square, wondering who is behind each one. Why have they given their time and efforts to do this for me?” This was a statement made by one of our blanket recipients two weeks ago.  It prompted me to begin asking that very same question, "why do you crochet squares?" 

Below you will meet two of our square makers. These two women have sent us many squares over the past two months. Their lives have been personally touched by cancer. They know what it is like to be in the shoes of those who are currently battling because they are each survivors. Ladies and gentleman, I introduce Beth and Nancy. Here is why they crochet.


I am a Breast Cancer Survivor.  I was diagnosed 6 years ago, at the age of 33.  The course of my surgeries and treatments took me a year to complete.  During that time, I was very fortunate to have a strong support system in my family and friends.  Crocheting squares for this project is my way to give some of that support back to those who are going through treatment now.  I know how hard the journey is because I have walked down that chemo road.  However, I also know how much it means to be surrounded by care and support.  These afghan squares are full of that care and support!!!  So, hold your afghan close and know that all of us behind this Project Chemo Crochet are pulling for each one of you!!!!


My mother taught me to crochet when I was about 8 yrs old. One year we made sweater coats for all of the family members. My mother used to make us sweaters, dresses, skirts, vests, and ponchos. I've made many crocheted items for many people over the years, and always think of my mom as I do them. I have never sold anything I've made, just gave them to people to enjoy.

My experience with cancer started in 2002. My husband fought a courageous battle with esophagus cancer. He went to chemo once a week for a year, and I would go and sit with him. No matter how the chemo made him feel, he was always happy, upbeat, and determined. Most people would never have guessed he was sick. He fought the battle for a year. I brought him home from the hospital so he could die at home. He was such an inspiration to my life and my kids lives, it was the least I could do for him. It's where he belonged.  I love and miss him more than I could ever put into words.

While he was going though his chemo, my sister was also getting chemo for breast cancer in CT. I was in Las Vegas dealing with my husband, so I missed most of what she was going through. Two years later, I lost my mom to lung cancer. She was my rock, helping me deal with the loss of my husband. I felt like I lost my whole world. I moved back to CT to be with my sisters a year later. A year after I was home, I found out I had a rare type of breast cancer. Though I didn't have chemo or radiation, it was still scary. My sister and I are as close now as we were when we were young. So, when she showed me your page and what you were doing, I got started making squares.

My sister is an 8 yr survivor and I am 4 yrs.



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