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2 Year Celebration is Bittersweet

Written by Nik

If you know me, you know my mom. Even if we met after my mom died (it makes me sick to even say that) you still know her. How? Well, not only do I try to slip in her into every conversation I have. (I know that it’s my subconscious way of making me feel like she is still here but also as a way I can still say the words many take for granted, "my mom".) But mostly you know her because her spirit lives on through me. My mom taught me many life lessons, whether knowingly or unknowingly. The most important lessons I learned from her were to live with passion, persist and persevere even when things look grim, and love fully and unconditionally. These are the behaviors that I witnessed and I have tried to emulate.


It is so difficult to express in words the conflicting pain I have over celebrating 2 years of amazing work through Project Chemo Crochet. It was in my mom’s death and our suffering that Project Chemo Crochet was born. However, Project Chemo Crochet has brought life to so many people, including me in many ways. Project Chemo Crochet has truly become the wind beneath my wings.


For others, Project Chemo Crochet has become a passion, you can read it in the entries from this past week. It has taught people love for complete strangers who are bonded by this awful disease of cancer. It has taught people to persist and persevere through the frustration of learning how to crochet their first square. These are the very same things my mom taught me and now passing them on to you. My mom is the heart and the soul of this project. To have been touched by our work means you have met MY MOM. I can feel her strength, courage, and love in every square and blanket.  


How I wish she were here to see it all! Know what it takes to makes this successful. See and read the reactions of all those involved. She would surely be bragging to EVERYONE because that's what she did. But really, I wish she were here just to be. Anyway…


I thank you all for how you have contributed to Project Chemo Crochet over the past two years. As you have read from the many entries (which will all be posted next week on our website), you are truly making a difference. There is something to be said about a person who unselfishly gives their time and efforts to others; except I just don't know what those words are. But what I can say is that we are NOT just making blankets.


Please continue to share your photos and comments with us. If you are hosting an event for PCC, let us know. We absolutely LOVE seeing community involvement and gatherings taking place around the world. Here’s to another great year blanketing this world with our love one square at a time!


As my mom would say, "that is SO COOL!"  

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